About Burmese cats
The Burmese makes an excellent pet.
It has a sleek, shorthaired coat that is very easy to groom, hand grooming is generally sufficient also but when the coat is changing seasons a quick brush with a zoom groom will do the trick. The Burmese cat is more intelligent and more affectionate than many cats, but above all it has a fantastic personality. It loves people and is very good with children, but it does not like being left alone. If you are out all day, then it is better to have two.
Burmese kittens are extremely playful. They are born with paler coats than when they are mature. Don’t be surprised if you see pics of a kitten and it does not look like the cat you imagined as they change colour as they mature. The Chocolates I feel are the most likely to change. All colours can vary in shades as well.
The Burmese is energetic in nature. This cat will always give a warm welcome to its family, and time and affection devoted to this breed more than repays the owner in loyalty and companionship!
The Burmese is a medium sized cat with a muscular frame and heavier in body than its looks would suggest.
The coat is fine, sleek and glossy and lies close to the body.
The body is hard and muscular, chest rounded and back has a very slight slant downwards towards the shoulder.
The legs are long and slender, hind legs are slightly longer than the front.
The paws are neat and oval shaped.
The tail is medium in length and tapering slightly to a rounded tip. It should not be whiplike or kinked.
The head should be slightly rounded on top, with good width between the ears, wide cheekbones that taper to a short blunt wedge.
The chin should be firm, with padding. The ears should be rounded at the tip and open at the base with a slight forward tilt to them.
The nose is short in length with a distinct break in profile.
The face should have a cranky expression. The eyes are oriental in shape along the top line and rounded underneath. They should be gold and set well apart. True burmese eye shape give the illusion the cat is giving you the evils!